
5040 Telegraph Road, Ventura

Following Jesus, Making Disciples, Impacting the World.

Service at 10:00 am Sunday Morning

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“Divine Appointment”

This Sunday Pastor Charles Clemons will be teaching from Ruth 3:1-18. In Ruth chapter 3, we witness an extraordinary moment of trust and boldness as Ruth approaches Boaz at the threshing floor. She steps into an unfamiliar and risky situation, following Naomi’s instructions to ask Boaz to be her redeemer. This chapter is rich with lessons about stepping out in faith, God’s provision, and His plan of redemption.

This sets the stage for a deeper look at the cultural significance of Ruth’s actions, Boaz’s role as the kinsman-redeemer, and how this story points to God’s overarching plan of redemption for His people.

What can we learn from Ruth’s courage and Boaz’s honorable response? Join us as we explore how God works through our bold acts of faith to fulfill His greater plan.

God so loved the world that He gave… John 3:16

God provides for His work in many ways. Financial giving is an act of worship to Jesus. As we give, we are allowed to join with Him in bringing salvation to the lost and strength to believers.

Nominate Servant Leaders

We want to hear from you!

Elders, Deaconesses, and Deacons are chosen by nomination. We invite you to nominate those you believe would be willing and qualified to serve in these rolls. Elders will be voted onto the board at our December Members meeting. Deacon/Deaconess positions are always open. Click the button to nominate today!

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Latest Sermon

This Sunday Pastor Charles Clemons will be teaching from Ruth 2:1-23. He will share with us this lesson of provision, favor, and God’s unfolding plan through the kindness of others.…


We meet Sunday mornings at 5040 Telegraph Road at the end of Day Road in Ventura at 10:00a. Across the street from Ventura College and Starbucks.

We will always have a seat for you.

Our children’s church is accessible in the rear building and is for nursery through 5th grade. Check in begins at 9:50am.

6th – 12th grade students have their own Sunday Youth Group at the Third Story.

We have a casual atmosphere. We care about YOU, not what you’re wearing. So feel free to come in jeans or whatever is comfortable. Our dress code is simple: wear something. We will NOT single you out publicly or ask you to say anything. We do NOT expect guests to contribute, just to visit and enjoy.

Student Ministries

Sunday mornings after worship our youth (6th-12th) grade meet for devtoions, fellowship, and prayer. On Wendesday nights Abalze meets for a depper teacher, games, discussion, and fellowship. 

Stoked – our mid-week group for 4th – 5th grades meets on Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30pm 

For more information please visit the Student Ministries page.

CBC Kids

CBC Kids’ mission is to lead each child into deeper connection with Jesus through relationship and story. Our vision is to grow up young believers so that they can be like the tree in Jeremiah with roots that grow deep and are fed by the Living Water.

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are alwasy green. It has no worries in a year of drough and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8