This Sunday, April 7, we’ll be gathering at CBC after second service (around noon) to discuss carpool confirmations, directions to Hume, and weekend schedule information!
If you cannot make it and have questions, please contact Nancy:


This year will be the 90th year of Sunrise Services on Easter Morning at the Cross! We need your help! We are looking for people willing to bake muffins or breakfast breads. If you are able to help with this, please contact Carol Eiland or 805.208.1756

If you are available for setup/tear down at the Cross, please let us know that as well. Many hands make for a light work load.

Dear Friends,

This Sunday, we’ll be looking at Luke 7:1-17 and the subject of Healing. In this passage, Jesus heals the centurion’s servant and the widow of Nain’s deceased son. This is an incredibly important text, as we continue to explore and learn what Scripture teaches about healing.

I hope you’ll make plans to join us at either our 9a or 10:30a service! And, I encourage you to return in the evening as well for our 6p Restore healing service.

I look forward to seeing you,

Pastor Bob

Pastor Bob DuPar


“In Christ Alone” by Kristian Stanfill

I think one of the most incredible things about true worship is that we get to be real with the Lord! God never calls us to come before him faking fine, instead, “Cast all your anxieties on him because he cares for you!” (1 Peter 5:7) I hope that frees you to worship God in spirit and in truth this week! We look forward to worshiping with you on Sunday!


Britney Christian Miller
Worship Director

Sunday Set List:

Take Courage
What a Beautiful Name
In Christ Alone
This I believe

Download the Spotify App

…to listen to the full songs when you click the link above. Search “CBC Ventura” on Spotify to find all of our playlists!

April Playlist!

Be sure to check out our April playlist to listen to the music we will be playing this month! Click Here to go to Spotify!


High School Monday’s. 6:30 – 8 pm. In The Upper Room
Middle School Wednesday’s. 6:30 – 8 pm. In The Upper Room
College Tuesday’s. 7:30 – 9 pm. Location varies. Contact Josiah for more details.

This Sunday, our middle & high school students are joining the main worship service.

Hope you have had a good Spring Break! Youth Group will reconnect on 4/8 & 4/10.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

In His Grip,


Josiah Schwartz
Student Ministries Pastor


follow | love | obey | connect | know

Sunday 10:30a Join us for Children’s Church

If you have any questions, please email the team!


Katherine Nofziger
Children’s Director

Check out this new Spotify

…playlist with Kids Worship music you and your kids can enjoy!

Church Campout!

It’s our first annual church family camping trip. Tents and RVs welcome (but no hookups). Sage Hill Campground is off Paradise Rd. at a beautiful spot on the Santa Ynez River. Our group spot can accomodate 50 people, and it’s only $5 per adult, or $20 per family for the whole weekend! Please join us!

Contact Marin Stuve or Mollie Studer

Hey Guys!

Golf Tournament coming up May 18th! Mark your calendars and stay tuned!

 Good Friday 4/19/19 @7p

Easter Services 4/21/19 @ 9a & 10:30a

Bring your family & friends and celebrate with us!