Beginning Monday, June 3, 7-8:30p.

Contact Craig Eiland to sign up: or 805.209.0779

Hi Friends,
This week we’ll be studying Luke 8:16-21 and talking about what it means to truly listen to God’s Word.  Rather than seeing our passage as a new topic in Jesus’ sermon to the crowd, I believe that it relates directly to His preceding story about the seed and the sower.  I encourage you to read our text ahead of time through this lens/perspective.
I’m excited to see you all again after a long time away!  I look forward to seeing you at either our 9 am or 10:30 am service – and, bring your friends!

Pastor Bob

Pastor Bob DuPar
Community Bible Church


Shout it out and lift up one voice in worship, sing it out until all the earth can hear it, Jesus is alive and he saves!

This week, as we study the parable of the lamp, I promise we won’t sing “this little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine”, but it does beg the question, do we follow this simple child’s song? If our worship of God doesn’t ignite a passion in our hearts that begs to be shared, it’s time we dive deeper into pursuing God! I look forward to pursuing God alongside of you this weekend in a way that causes a fire in our hearts that cannot be contained!


Britney Christian Miller
Worship Director


Sunday Set List:

You Have Won Me
This I Believe (The Creed)
King of My Heart
Great are you Lord
Nothing is Holding me Back

Download the Spotify App

…to listen to the full songs when you click the link above. Search “CBC Ventura” on Spotify to find all of our playlists!


Be sure to check out our June playlist to listen to the music we will be playing this month! Click Here to go to Spotify!


High School Monday’s. 7-8:30 pm. Explore God at CBC
Middle School Wednesday’s. Times/Locations will vary depending on event
College Tuesday’s. 7:30 – 9 pm. Location varies. Contact Brenna Pitman 805.340.0904 to get on the text chain or for more details. 


Join us for a parent meeting THIS Sunday, June 2 after second service in the youth room. You’ll get the summer calendar, info on Wildwood, and a chance to talk about what the summer holds.

Middle School/High School Summer Changes

This summer, we’ll be taking a break from our normal schedule to do a few things different. Here’s a weekly breakdown:

Monday Beginning this Monday, June 3: MS and HS come together each week with the larger body for our Explore God series. We’ll have a table set aside for youth to sit at to watch videos and discuss together.

Wednesday: MS and HS will meet together at various homes and parks for nights of movies, food, swimming and more! We’ll keep you in the loop as to the location each week.

There will also be various events throughout the summer that you will find on the calendar soon to be released.

College/Young Adults

Meets every Tuesday from 7:30 – 9 pm.We’ll be meeting at various locations throughout the summer. Please contact myself or Brenna Pitman (805.340.0904) to get on the college/young adult text chain for additional information.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

In His Grip,


Josiah Schwartz
Student Ministries Pastor



follow | love | obey | connect | know

Sunday 10:30a Join us for Children’s Church

Sign up today for the dates that work for you between June 16 – August 18, 2019 for a fun, easy way to serve our kids.Click here to sign up.

If you have any questions, please email the team!


Katherine Nofziger
Children’s Director

Check out this Spotify

…playlist with Kids Worship music you and your kids can enjoy!

Church Campout!

It’s our first annual church family camping trip. Tents and RVs welcome (but no hookups). Sage Hill Campground is off Paradise Rd. at a beautiful spot on the Santa Ynez River. Our group spot can accomodate 50 people, and it’s only $5 per adult, or $20 per family for the whole weekend!

Mark your calendars for July 19-21, 2019!

Contact Marin Stuve or



From 10a-12p 


Our Community Pantry provides free high quality groceries to everyone who asks the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month. Come and join us. Send your friends and neighbors! For more info: 805.339.0019 ext.5

Did you know…  the food we hand out from our pantry means our families are better able to afford medical care, utilities, transportation, and housing? This can make all the difference! Contact Marin: if you would like to get involved.

Donations Needed!  This month, our 2nd shopping Friday doesn’t align with our 2nd serving Saturday. So, we need donations of perishables – fresh fruit, meat, bread, eggs, etc. If you have the means and the desire, please contact Marin to connect.