Saturday 6/22/19 10a-12p

Our Community Pantry provides free high quality groceries to everyone who asks the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month. Come and join us. Send your friends and neighbors! For more info: 805.339.0019 ext.5

Donations Needed! 

We had a terrific response for our request 2 weeks ago and we have one more week that needs donations! The June calendar conflict means we won’t get fresh food from Whole Foods or Sprouts this coming Saturday, so we need donations of fresh food! 

We need:
Breads (sandwich bread, bagels, rolls, etc)
Family Portions of Meat – fresh or frozen
Yogurt (for kids or the elderly)
Fruit (apples, oranges, nectarines, peaches, grapes, etc.)

Donations can be dropped off at the church during office hours (Thursday 9am-2pm) or call/email Marin to arrange Friday drop-off.   We will hand out food June 22. Contact Marin to coordinate drop offs at other times:


follow | love | obey | connect | know

Sunday 10:30a Join us for Children’s Church

Follow along with us as we read Love Does for Kids. Parents, please help your child respond to this prompt in their Experience Books and memorize the Summer Memory Verse!🎈

SUPPLIES NEEDED FOR VBS! We are building sets and crafts and other fun items for this year’s Planet Hope VBS. We’ve got 50 kids signed up! (There is still room for a few more volunteers if you’d like to jump in!) We could use CARDBOARD & PAPER BAGS! Drop them off during the week or contact us and we can arrange a time that works best.

If you have any questions, please email the team!


Katherine Nofziger
Children’s Director

Check out this Spotify

…playlist with Kids Worship music you and your kids can enjoy!


High School Monday’s. 7-8:30 pm. Explore God at CBC
Middle School Wednesday’s. Times/Locations will vary depending on event
College Tuesday’s. 7:30 – 9 pm. Location varies. Contact Brenna Pitman 805.340.0904 to get on the text chain or for more details.

Summer Calendar Is Available!

This summer, we will be doing our midweek programing a little different. Both middle school and high school will meet together, and there will be programs offered on Monday and Wednesday nights. Here is how those nights will look:

Middle School and High School:
Explore God on Monday night. Join us from 7-8 pm as we explore the big questions life together!

Wednesday Night 6/26: Join us for an amazing pool party at the Sponseller’s from 5-7 pm on June 26!! Bring a swim suit, towel, and a snack to share! Contact Josiah for more info and directions!  

College/Young Adults
Come hang out at toppers on main st from 7:30- 9:30 on Tuesday, June 25 as we continue our “what the Bible says about…” series.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

In His Grip,


Josiah Schwartz
Student Ministries Pastor


Hi Friends,

This week we’ll be looking at Luke 9:1-17 as we talk about why God allows interruptions in our life.  The older I get the more I become aware of the many ways in which God works in situations that I initially perceive as interruptions to my family time, my schedule, my work, my personal convenience, my finances and even my recreational down-time.  I can honestly say that some of the most profound experiences of God in my life have come disguised as interruptions, as annoyances.  It makes me wonder how many times I’ve missed God and His mighty acts because I’ve been unwilling to slow down, to sacrifice, to redirect, to refocus!

I hope that you’ll make plans to join me this Sunday as together we process this vitally important subject.  Our services are at 9 am & 10:30 am.  Bring your friends and family.  Invite your neighbors and coworkers.  And, don’t quickly accept a “No” as a response!

I look forward to seeing you,

Pastor Bob

Pastor Bob DuPar
Community Bible Church


Today, I was thinking about our story from last weeks passage about a women who risked everything to come to Jesus. All of us have something that holds us back from meeting with Jesus, maybe it’s just a busy schedule or maybe it’s something far deeper. Will we make the choice to push past that barrier this week? I hope so!


Britney Christian Miller
Worship Director


Sunday Set List:

Drenched in Love
Living Hope
God with Us
He is Faithful 

Download the Spotify App

…to listen to the full songs when you click the link above. Search “CBC Ventura” on Spotify to find all of our playlists!


Be sure to check out our June playlist to listen to the music we will be playing this month! Click Here to go to Spotify!

Church Campout!

All Church Family Campout Weekend!
Sage Hill Campground on the Santa Ynez River
Cost $5/adult or $20/family for the weekend
July 19-21, 2019
Email to sign up or sign up at the Hello Desk on Sunday. Marin Stuve or
Mollie Studer