Join the CBC Staff for dessert where you can get to know us, our heart for this community, and meet others who are new to CBC.
We’d love to meet you!

RSVP: sally@cbcventura.org

SUNDAY : AUGUST 25 : 3-7p

Sign up at the Hello Desk or with Jake Dilbeck to bring a side or drinks to share. BBQ, games, shooting. Sign up to bring clay pigeons/shells for shooting.

Contact: jakedilbeck@msn.com

Hi Friends,

This week we’ll be talking about Confronting Hypocrisy from Luke 11:29-54.  Part of our own hypocrisy is that often we, upon hearing a sermon topic like this, immediately think of all the people we know who need to hear a message like this.  May I encourage you to add yourself to the list!  And, good news – the message will be delivered by a veteran hypocrite!

The question is whether we will hear God’s Word with receptive hearts, and respond with a willingness to address the ugly truths that we will inevitably uncover.  I pray by God’s grace and strength that we will!

I trust that you’ll make plans to join us at either our 9 am or 10:30 am service.  Bring your friends and family!

I look forward to seeing you,


Pastor Bob DuPar
Community Bible Church


This week, I’ve been reminded that we never outgrow our need for the gospel no matter how long we have been a Christian. So often, it can be easy to assume that the gospel is Christianity 101 and then we move on to learning “more important things”. But the good news of Jesus Christ is THE most important thing! What a blessing that we have been in our Luke series studying the life and ministry of Jesus!


Britney Christian Miller
Worship Director


Sunday Set List:

You Make Me Brave
Because he Lives
Fall afresh
Lord I Need You
Jesus Paid it All

Download the Spotify App

…to listen to the full songs when you click the link above. Search “CBC Ventura” on Spotify to find all of our playlists!


Be sure to check out our Summer 2019 Playlist to listen to the music we will be playing this month! Click Here to go to Spotify!



follow | love | obey | connect | know

Sunday 10:30a Join us for Children’s Church

We still have a few opportunities open to help the CBC Kids this fall! We kick off our fall program on Sunday, September 1st. We are specifically looking for friends to help with our babies. Interested or have questions? Let us know by contacting Katherine at katherine@cbcventura.org 


Katherine Nofziger
Children’s Director

Check out this Spotify

…playlist with Kids Worship music you and your kids can enjoy!


Family Beach Day is this Sunday, 8/18! We’ll be at Harbor Cove Beach (Mother’s Beach), located at the end of Spinnaker Drive, across the street from the Channel Islands National Park Visitor’s Center. Bring a lunch or feel free to hop across the street to Harbor Cove Cafe. All in your family are welcome!

Combined Youth Group next Monday, 8/19. The school year kicks off on Wednesday, 8/21, so all will getting together to have a fun night of playing games and dedicated time to pray for the school year!!

College/Young Adult Group. Join us at Coffee Bean on Victoria from 7:30 – 9 pm on Tuesday, 8/20, as we continue in our series, “What the Bible Says About” series

Coming soon: Buena Lanes – Friday 8/30 7-9p $15 and Parent Meeting Sunday 9/15 after 2nd service. 

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns or ideas!


Josiah Schwartz
Student Ministries Pastor


We are taking sign ups for a missions trip to La Montana Christian Camps April 4-11, 2020. We will begin sending out information, having meetings, and raising funds in September. If you are thinking about joining this trip, please sign up in the lobby or email josiah@cbcventura.org to be put on the information list.

DreamFest is a church-planting crusade, which honors and brings love, to the foreigners in our land – the indigenous, migrant field workers among us. It blesses these individuals in tangible ways within a festival setting, where there is sharing of the Gospel message, a call to salvation, and subsequent planting of churches in these overlooked communities of the foreigners in our land.

CBC is partnering with Embrace Church for their DreamFest 2019, an exciting outreach ministry that brings the Gospel to the migrant field workers who live in our agriculture rich county. They need people to volunteer to help with the festival as well as financial support.

Prayerfully consider whether God is calling you to step out and serve in this ministry! 

Saturday 8/24/19 10a-12p

Our Community Pantry provides free high quality groceries to everyone who asks the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month. Come and join us. Send your friends and neighbors! For more info: 805.339.0019 ext.5


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Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dodeccreative.cbcventura
iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/cbcventura/id1367236093
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07Q3Z5HLZ