“I Will Build My Church“
March 23, 2025

“I Will Build My Church“

Passage: Matthew 16:13-20
Service Type:

This Sunday Pastor Trevor Dasnoit will be teaching from the Matthew 16:13-20 – The title of his message is “I Will Build My Church” Jesus stood before His disciples and asked a simple but life-altering question: “Who do you say that I am?” Peter’s response—“You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God”—became the foundation of something unstoppable. “On this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” (Matthew 16:18) Through every trial, through every failure of man, through every attack, the church will prevail. Why? Because it is not built on human strength, but on the truth that Jesus is Lord. So, what does this mean for us? Celebrate Christ’s overwhelming victory—because no matter how dark it gets, His church will stand. No matter what struggles the church faces, Christ has already won. And if He has won, so has His church. Join us as we unpack this powerful truth—because the best days of the church are not behind us, but ahead!