Connect: July 10, 2019

Connect: July 10, 2019

WILDWOOD LUNCH THIS SUNDAY! Join us this Sunday for an amazing tri-tip and chicken lunch after each service. Proceeds help send our high school students to Wildwood discipleship camp at Hume Lake. Donations welcome!! All meat courtesy of Main Street Meats!...
Connect: July 10, 2019

Connect July 3, 2019

Hi Friends, This week our passage will be Luke 9:37-56and we’ll be discussing the topic of Power Struggles.  I encourage you to read these verses ahead of time to familiarize yourself with the stories.  In my study, I found fourbroad areas of power struggles within...
Connect: July 10, 2019

Connect: June 26, 2019

LET’S BREAK BREAD TOGETHER! Sunday, June 30 – 12-2pJoin the CBC Crew Sunday after 2nd Service for lunch at Panera!Bring this flyer or grab a flyer at church on Sunday.  Hi Friends, This week our teaching passage is Luke 9:18-36and we’ll be talking...
Connect: July 10, 2019

Connect: June 19, 2019

Saturday 6/22/19 10a-12p Our Community Pantry provides free high quality groceries to everyone who asks the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month. Come and join us. Send your friends and neighbors! For more info: 805.339.0019 ext.5 Donations Needed!  We had a terrific...
Connect: June 12, 2019

Connect: June 12, 2019

Church Campout! All Church Family Campout Weekend! ARE YOU GOING?!!?!! Sage Hill Campground on the Santa Ynez River Cost $5/adult or $20/family for the weekend July 19-21, 2019 Email to sign up or sign up at the Hello Desk on Sunday. Marin Stuve