Saturday 7/27/19 10a-12p

Our Community Pantry provides free high quality groceries to everyone who asks the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month. Come and join us. Send your friends and neighbors! For more info: 805.339.0019 ext.5


Hi Friends,

This week our teaching will be based on the beloved story of The Good Samaritan, found only in Luke 10:25-37.  I invite you to read the passage ahead of time, making note of as many observations as you can find!  And, as you read, consider that nothing in Scripture informs us as to whether this is a parable (a fictional account that makes a bigger point) or an actual historical event.
I hope that you’ll make plans to join us at either our 9 am or 10:30 am service; and, bring your friends!

I look forward to seeing you,


Pastor Bob DuPar
Community Bible Church


“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7. This is my prayer for all of us today; that God would remind us to be bold for him! That we would surrender any fear and timidity we have in being the church he has called us to be and we would walk in boldness proclaiming his good news in the midst of our every day life! I look forward to worshiping with all of you this weekend.


Britney Christian Miller
Worship Director


Sunday Set List:

This is Amazing Grace
Nothing is Holding Me Back
Fall Afresh

Download the Spotify App

…to listen to the full songs when you click the link above. Search “CBC Ventura” on Spotify to find all of our playlists!


Be sure to check out our Summer 2019 Playlist to listen to the music we will be playing this month! Click Here to go to Spotify!



follow | love | obey | connect | know

Sunday 10:30a Join us for Children’s Church

Follow along with us as we read Love Does for Kids. Parents, please help your child respond to this prompt in their Experience Books and memorize the Summer Memory Verse!🎈

If you have any questions, please email the team!


Katherine Nofziger
Children’s Director

Check out this Spotify

…playlist with Kids Worship music you and your kids can enjoy!

VBS Spotify Playlist is UP!


High School 
Middle School 
College Tuesday’s. 7:30 – 9 pm. Location varies. Contact Brenna Pitman 805.340.0904 to get on the text chain or for more details.

High School…is leaving for a week at Wildwood Camp at Hume Lake. Prayers for safety and a great time connecting at camp! 

Please let me know if you have any questions.

In His Grip,


Josiah Schwartz
Student Ministries Pastor


We are taking sign ups for a missions trip to La Montana Christian Camps April 4-11, 2020. We will begin sending out information, having meetings, and raising funds in September. If you are thinking about joining this trip, please sign up in the lobby or email to be put on the information list.

DreamFest is a church-planting crusade, which honors and brings love, to the foreigners in our land – the indigenous, migrant field workers among us. It blesses these individuals in tangible ways within a festival setting, where there is sharing of the Gospel message, a call to salvation, and subsequent planting of churches in these overlooked communities of the foreigners in our land.

CBC is partnering with Embrace Church for their DreamFest 2019, an exciting outreach ministry that brings the Gospel to the migrant field workers who live in our agriculture rich county. They need people to volunteer to help with the festival as well as financial support.

Prayerfully consider whether God is calling you to step out and serve in this ministry!