Quarterly Missionary Newsletter | Issue 2                                          September 2024

Inspire Ministries

Empowering Christian Leaders for Lasting Impact

In this issue you will find;

Why Inspire Ministries? Leadership Development as Discipleship and the Sharing of Life

Boniface – The Fearless Missionary Who Defied the Viking Gods

Inspiring Mentors – The Power of Mentorship in Leadership Development 

By Pastor Charles Clemons

Over the past twenty-two years, I have been blessed to learn from leaders, witnessing their strengths and weaknesses. The hard-earned lessons from their journey with Jesus Christ, including their failures, have been invaluable. Their transparency, kindness, and clear love for me have provided comfort during times of struggle and doubt. Through Inspiring Ministries, we are fortunate to access various resources and tools that help people discover their unique gifts, talents, and abilities and understand where God has placed them for such a time as this.

In this second installment of the Inspiring Ministries Newsletter, I will share about these individuals—some have passed on and while others are still with us today. It is my ongoing hope and joy to see countless others served through this ministry of encouragement, hearing God’s call on their lives. Like Isaiah during times of social and political upheaval in Israel, may they respond to God’s call and say, “Here am I, send me” (Isaiah 6:8).

Boniface: The Fearless Missionary Who Defied the Viking Gods

Boniface, the courageous missionary to the Germans, stood unwavering in his faith, boldly confronting the formidable Viking gods. His fearless dedication and steadfast faith left an indelible mark on history, inspiring countless others to follow in his footsteps. His patient life among pagan Vikings, reasoning with them, serving among them, while proclaiming the truth is a powerful testimony to God’s grace.

Boniface, originally named Wynfrid, was born around 675 in Wessex, England. He became a Benedictine monk and was ordained as a priest around the age of 30.

His missionary journey began with two attempts to evangelize the Frisian Saxons, but he was initially thwarted by their king, Radbod. In 718, Boniface traveled to Rome, where Pope Gregory II entrusted him with a mission to the pagans east of the Rhine.

He received the name Boniface and returned to Frisia to assist Bishop Willibrord. Later, he moved to Hesse and established the first of many Benedictine monasteries. Boniface worked to reform the Frankish church and unite the churches in southern and central Germany. He was consecrated as a missionary bishop by Pope Gregory II and later became the bishop of Mainz, earning the title “Apostle of Germany.”
For nearly 35 years, Boniface traveled across Germany, preaching, teaching, and building schools, monasteries, and convents. His fearless actions, such as felling the sacred Donar Oak dedicated to Thor, demonstrated the powerlessness of the Norse gods and helped convert many influential German chieftains. Christians today should be inspired by Boniface’s unwavering courage and dedication to his faith. Despite facing significant dangers and opposition, he boldly confronted pagan practices and tirelessly worked to spread Christianity.

Inspiring Mentors – Past and Present

From Johnathan to David, and Paul to Timothy, mentorship has always been a cornerstone of leadership. At Inspiring Ministries, we aim to ignite a passion among leaders to deepen their faith in Christ and share it through their lives.

Years ago, while working in relief and development, I struggled with understanding God’s goodness amidst suffering. Discovering Dr. Sproul’s teachings on God’s Holiness and Sovereignty was transformative. His warmth and storytelling brought the Scriptures to life, guiding me toward a calling in Hospital chaplaincy. His personal response to my letter regarding God and suffering further inspired me to follow Christ.

Dr. RC Sproul

Later, I befriended Dr. George Taylor, a civil rights activist and educator. His resilience and dedication to justice, rooted in his Christian faith, continue to inspire me. Monthly we meet for Bible study and regularly talk about life. Dr. Taylor’s example, along with Dr. Sproul’s, underscores the profound impact of mentorship.

Dr. George Taylor (center)

These experiences highlight the power of mentorship in leadership development. Let us continue to light the path for future leaders, just as our mentors have done for us.

Dave Gilmore – Friend, Brother, Apologist


Inspiring Ministries is delighted to welcome Dave Gilmore from Legati Christi! We are thrilled about the opportunity to share at the upcoming Bible Conference at Community Bible Church in Ventura, CA, on November 16, 2024. The elders have graciously supported another deep dive into Bible Interpretation (Hermeneutics), Church History, and Apologetics. Dave Gilmore will lead this fascinating and helpful discussion on “Why We Should Trust the Bible.”

Since 2020, I have had the privilege of getting to know Dave through worship at Christ Community Church in Winnetka. Our conversations have been uplifting to me personally in my Christian walk and have also benefited the people I serve as a hospital chaplain. His insights and interactions around theology are approachable, kind, and helpful in placing our confidence in God and His word.

He embodies the essence of apologetics as described in Scripture: “Always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks you about the hope you have. Be ready to give the reason for it. But do it gently and with respect” (1 Peter 3:15).

If you’re interested in learning more about Dave and his writings, be sure to visit his website: legatichristi.org. There, you’ll find a wealth of articles on Biblical perspectives, theology, and a variety of other resources. Feel free to reach out with any questions — Dave is always eager to engage in discussions about the Scriptures. 

Recently, Dave shared a thought-provoking quote from a theologian: “God can draw a straight line with a crooked stick.” This beautifully illustrates how God redeems and works through flawed individuals, transforming them through His Holy Word.

Support Inspire Ministries: Empowering Christian Leaders and Churches

Your generous contributions can make a significant difference in the lives of Christian leaders and churches.

Here’s how you can help:
1.  Immediate Needs: We aim to raise$2,960 monthly to allocate dedicated Missionary Ministry time to churches and members. I am pleased to report that goal is being met. Additional funds raised would enable consideration of full-time ministry. Would you pray about partnering further so Inspire Ministries may expand?

2.  Long-Term Vision: Our annual goal is to raise $80,000. This sustains our mission and expands regional support to VINIA and like-minded churches. We offer leadership development, evangelism, and comprehensive church-wide training as well as coaching.

3.  Maximizing Impact: When you donate through VINIA within the trusted Missionary Church Inc., you ensure financial accountability. Your support helps churches navigate leadership challenges, prevent burnout, resolve conflicts, and align their vision with Scripture.

Thank you for considering Inspire Ministries. Together, we empower individuals to fulfill their calling in God’s Kingdom.

Donate online at: https://vinia.org/charles-clemons/


Mail your gift to:
   PO Box 790
   Somis, Ca 93066