This Sunday we’ll be looking at John 6 in our morning teaching series. Specifically, we’ll be focusing on the Feeding Of the 5,000, followed by Jesus’ teaching about how He…
This week in our teaching series based on John’s gospel we’ll be looking at chapter 4, verse 43 through chapter 5, verse 47 - the big picture. Again, as you read this…
This week’s teaching will be focused on John 4, the story of the woman who encountered Jesus at Jacob’s Well. Sometimes in life we get more than we bargain for!…
This week our study will be in John 3:1-21 and we’ll be looking at the story of Nicodemus - a Pharisee (and member of the Sanhedrin) who came to Jesus…
In this week’s teaching we’ll be exploring Jesus’ first miracle (sign) in John’s Gospel - the water turned into wine at the wedding in Cana of Galilee (2:1-11), coupled with…
This Sunday we begin our new teaching series “John: The Big Picture,” based upon the Gospel of John. We’ll be in chapter 1 as we explore the amazing truth that…
This Sunday we’ll be revisiting our mission and vision as a church, not only as we kick-off a new year, but also as we prepare to launch our Deep Discipleship…
New Year's Day 2023 - Elder Lead Service
This week we’ll be lighting the Advent Candle that symbolizes LOVE as we reflect upon this theme throughout Scripture. Specifically, we’ll be exploring what it means to be “chosen” and to be recipients of God’s…
This Sunday we’ll be lighting the Advent Candle that symbolizes Joy. As I read the Christmas story, I’m amazed that God brought joy to such a diversity of people, from…