This Sunday we’ll be exploring the third foundational Old Testament name for God: Adonai (LORD/Master). The names of God are not only rich in their meaning and significance, but also the progression (chronologically/historically)…
This Sunday, as we continue in our new teaching series Power In the Name, we’ll be studying YHWH! Sounds and looks cryptic? It is! I look forward to sharing the history and…
Today, we begin a new summer teaching series on the Old Testament names of God called Power In The Name. We’ll begin with one of the three foundational names for God…
This Sunday we’ll be celebrating Father’s Day and honoring our dads in our service with See’s Candy pops (vanilla, chocolate or coffee) and with a special prayer. We’ll also be finishing-up our Farm To Table Fruit…
This Sunday, we'll be talking about the character quality of Gentleness as we continue in our Farm to Table, Fruit of the Spirit teaching series based upon Galatians 5:22-23. In…
This Sunday we’ll be continuing our Farm To Table Fruit of the Spirit teaching series with the topic of Faithfulness. There won’t be a main passage; but instead, we’ll be looking throughout Scripture…
This week we’ll be talking about Conquering Despair as we continue in our Fruit of the Spirit Farm To Table teaching series. Our biblical texts will be Exodus 33, Psalm 27 and Galatians 5:22-23. I invite you to read…
This is week #5 in the Farm To Table teaching series! This Sunday we will have a guest speaker, Dr. Mark Patterson, who will be discussing what biblical Kindness is all about. We are excited to have him and see…
This is week #4 in the Farm To Table teaching series. This Sunday we’ll be discussing what biblical Patience is all about. Besides Galatians 5:22-23, which identifies the Fruit of the Spirit, we will be in various passages so…
This is week #2 in our new Farm To Table teaching series. And, this Sunday we’ll be discussing what biblical Joy is all about. Besides Galatians 5:22-23, our text will be 1 John 1:1-4. I encourage you to…