This week in our teaching series we’ll be talking about how we can find victory over Worldly Thinking. Our passages will be 2 Corinthians 10:5; Matthew 16:23; Colossians 3:2 & Romans 12:1-2. I encourage you to…
This Sunday, we’ll be talking about the Deception of Sin. I’m titling the message, “Don’t Buy the Lie!” We’ll be looking at Romans 1, 8, James 1… and a number of other…
During our teaching time we’ll be addressing some lies that dads/husbands buy into, and the biblical truths that disarm their power over our lives. Dads, I’m confident that you’ll find…
This Sunday we’ll be launching a new summer teaching series called “Free Indeed!” This series will focus on the various lies/deceptive thoughts that we have bought into over the years,…
We’ll be using Hebrews 11 as a jumping off point to get encouraged and examine the lives of Esther, Zacchaeus and Abraham and how their decisions to step out in…
This week we will be diving deep into several healing miracles of Jesus before receiving a call to action in Matthew 9:18-38.
Hi Friends, this week we’ll be studying Matthew 9:1-17 as we talk about some paradigm shifts that Jesus implemented. See if you can discover some in our passage!
This week we’ll be studying Matthew 8:18-34. In this passage of Scripture, Jesus turns down several requests to follow Him, calms the Sea of Galilee, and exorcises a “legion” of demons…
This Sunday is Mother’s Day and we’ll be talking about what it means to love our moms/wives during our teaching time. Our text will be John 19:26-28. It’s one of…
This Sunday we’ll be studying Matthew 8:1-17. In our passage, Jesus heals a leper, the centurion’s servant, Peter’s mother-in-law and a number of sick/demon-possessed people. And, in all of this Matthew…