
This week we’ll be studying Jesus’ Great Commission to His disciples, found in Matthew 28:16-20. It’s a short passage, but there’s a lot there!  I encourage you to read it ahead of time and…
This year, we celebrate Easter together with a family-friendly service at Father Serra Cross / Grant Park to celebrate the NEW LIFE that Jesus secured for us.
This Sunday is Palm Sunday, and it holds more significance than many people ever imagined!  It’s not about some random trip to Jerusalem that Jesus and His disciples decided to take on the…
This week we’ll be looking at Matthew 6:19-34.  I encourage you to read this passage before Sunday!  I see 3 connection (or associations) in the text.  How about you?  I’m looking…
This week’s teaching is for you investors! We’ll be talking about High Yield Returns! But, we won’t be discussing the stock market. We won’t be talking about your retirement portfolio.…
This week we’ll be studying the second part of Matthew 5 - verses 17-48. This is part of Jesus’ famous Sermon On the Mount; and, Jesus helps clarify how we…
This Sunday we’ll be studying Matthew 5:1-16.  It’s the beginning of Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount; and, it’s commonly referred to as “The Beatitudes.”  I encourage you to read these 16 verses…
This week we’ll be talking about what it means to be On Mission, and our passage will be Matthew 4:12-25. Being On Mission involves knowing your purpose in life; and…
This week we’re looking at Jesus’ testing in the wilderness. Our passage will be Matthew 4:1-11; and we’ll be examining Satan’s tactics for getting us to doubt God. This will…
This Sunday we’ll be looking at Matthew 3:1-17 as we talk about The Heart of the Gospel Message! I encourage you to read the passage ahead of time and to make a note…
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