
Bible Text: Daniel 6:1-28 | Speaker: Pastor Bob DuPar | Series: Never the Same | This Sunday we’ll be studying Daniel 6:1-28.  It’s the famous “Daniel & the Lions’ Den” passage.…
Bible Text: Daniel 3:1-30 | Speaker: Pastor Bob DuPar | Series: Never the Same | This Sunday we’ll be looking at the account of three teenagers who were tested by…
Bible Text: 1 Samuel 17:1-58 | Speaker: Pastor Bob DuPar | Series: Never the Same | I’m looking forward to seeing you again and sharing in God’s Word together!  This…
Bible Text: Genesis 1, Genesis 2, Revelation 22 | Speaker: Dino Mensa | Series: Never the Same | This week we will take a look at what is probably very familiar…
Bible Text: Acts 17:16-23, Philippians 2:1-5 | Speaker: Matt Clinton | Series: Never the Same | This week, we will be taking a look at the life of Paul (or…
Bible Text: Acts 6 & 7 | Speaker: Pastor Bob DuPar | Series: Never the Same | This week we’ll be studying the life of Stephen (Acts 6 & 7) as we continue our…
Bible Text: John 4:1-26 | Speaker: Pastor Bob DuPar | Series: Never the Same | This Sunday we’ll be looking at the story of the Woman at the Well in John 4:1-26.  She…
Bible Text: Luke 8:1-3, John 20:1, John 20:11-18 | Speaker: Pastor Bob DuPar | Series: Never the Same | This week will be studying the life of Mary Magdalene found…
Bible Text: Isaiah | Speaker: Pastor Bob DuPar | Series: Never the Same | This week we’ll be looking at the life and ministry of the prophet Isaiah. Specifically, we’ll…
Bible Text: Jonah | Speaker: Pastor Bob DuPar | Series: Never the Same | This week we’re studying the life of Jonah - chapters 1-4. It’s hard to believe, but…
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