This Sunday Pastor Charles Clemons will continue the series on Parable Principles: Lessons for Life. This week he will unpack the parable of "Hidden Treasure" from Matthew 13:44-46
This Sunday Pastor Charles Clemons will begin a series on Parable Principles: Lessons for Life. This week he will unpack the parable of “The Sower” from Matthew 13:1-23.
This Sunday Teen Challenge will be leading our Sunday morning service. This is an incredible ministry that is close to the heart of CBC. The women’s stories of redemption are…
This Sunday we will celebrate New Years Eve with a special sermon from Charles Clemons. This week Pastor Clemons will be speaking about “Time: Using our days wisely” – Psalm…
This Sunday we will celebrate Christmas Eve with a special sermon from Charles Clemons. This week we will be reading from Isaiah 9:6-7 as we celebrate the birth of Jesus…
This Sunday we will continue with our Advent Series by Charles Clemons. This week we will be reading from Matthew 2:1-15 as we learn about the visiting Magi.
This Sunday we will continue with our Advent Series by Pastor Charles Clemons. This week we will be reading from Luke 2:21-38 as we consider waiting well for our Savior.
Is there such a thing as "good news" in a world of bad news? The truth is, there is! "Good News, Great Joy!" Come for a fresh retelling of the…
Pastor Jerry Cooper will be sharing from John 1 with us today.
This Sunday Elder Candidates, Brad Stuve and Rick Mancia will be sharing from Genesis 3:1-24.