Check out the various ministries of Community Bible Church…
Student Ministries
Student Ministries at CBCVentura exists to:
- be a place where students feel they belong and are safe
- be a place where students are given opportunities to meet Jesus, develop a lasting relationship with Him, and are encouraged and equipped to live out His words in being Jesus to all we come in contact with.
- to be a place of fun, where students can be themselves and can create lasting memories that spurn them into deep relationship with each other and the Lord.
CBC Kids

follow | love | obey | connect
know God
Adult Ministries
Men’s Ministry: Click for more…
Women’s Ministry: Click for more…
CBCVentura supports missionaries around the globe.
The first Sunday of each month, at 6 pm, we host our monthly healing service called Restore in our church sanctuary. Please help us get the word out to friends and family – even strangers, those who you feel might be in need of this vital ministry!
Community Food Pantry
2nd & 4th Saturdays of every month from 10a-12p, we have a community food panty for all in need.
Tell your friends about this vital ministry to our community.