Dr. David Diener
David is Executive Director of TWO by 2 Global Ministries working out of San Diego, CA with ministry sites in Moldova, Crimea, North Caucasus, and Southern Russia/Central Siberia as a new location. Our focus is identifying, preparing, sending, and supporting Turkic-language missionaries to reach other Turkic-language people for Christ. Two of our Gagauz missionary families are Michael Ghermek and Nikolai Terzi who engage in weekly contact through mobile, largely Christian libraries in the Tatar language, Bible studies and discussions in homes, and other contacts as they can establish them. Successes have come through the libraries and especially through summer camps held in rural Tatar villages. They also visit schools with Samaritan Purse gift boxes. A significant undertaking is the development of a Crimean Spiritual and Cultural Center – a place to meet and worship for the 8+ Tatar adult leaders, as well as a “safe,” non-church place for non-believers to come, have fun, ask questions, etc.