This Sunday we’ll be wrapping-up our Free Indeed summer teaching series with a final message called Freedom From Hopelessness. Many believers and unbelievers alike are concerned about the past, anxious about the present, and…
This Sunday we’ll be talking about Freedom From A Critical Spirit; and, we’ll be exploring a number of biblical texts to discover the solutions that Scripture provides. What’s the difference between a critical…


August 22, 2021
This Sunday we’ll be talking about how we can find freedom from false concepts of justice. Justice is one of those subjects that means something different to everyone. Only in…
This Sunday we’ll be talking about how we can find Freedom From Disunity, as we continue our Free Indeed teaching series. Our passages will be John 17:13-14, 17-23, 25-26; Ephesians 4:3-6, 11-13; Philippians 2:1-8 & Colossians 3:12-15. I encourage you to read these…
This Sunday we’ll be talking about how to experience Freedom From Guilt & Shame.  Our Scripture passages will include Romans 8:15-16, 21; John 8:32, 36; and Isaiah 6:1-8.  I encourage you to read these…
This week in our teaching time we’ll be talking about the False Identities that we mistakenly buy into. We’ll be exploring stories from both the Old & New Testament, and…
This week in our teaching time we’ll be talking about the False Identities that we mistakenly buy into. We’ll be exploring stories from both the Old & New Testament, and discovering the truths…
This week in our teaching series we’ll be talking about how we can find victory over Worldly Thinking.  Our passages will be 2 Corinthians 10:5; Matthew 16:23; Colossians 3:2 & Romans 12:1-2.  I encourage you to…
During our teaching time we’ll be addressing some lies that dads/husbands buy into, and the biblical truths that disarm their power over our lives. Dads, I’m confident that you’ll find…