We are continuing on in our Series through the Book of Matthew and will be in chapter 11:1-19. Jesus just finished a discourse on the authoritative mission of the disciples and…
This Sunday our teaching passage will be Matthew 10:23-42. I encourage you to read it ahead of time, and to take note of the things that God points out to you. We’ll…

Kingdom Impact

September 19, 2021
This Sunday we’ll be back in our study of the Gospel of Matthew. We’ll be looking at chapter 10, verses 1-22, as we talk about what it means for us to have a Kingdom…
This week we’ll be studying Matthew 8:18-34. In this passage of Scripture, Jesus turns down several requests to follow Him, calms the Sea of Galilee, and exorcises a “legion” of demons…
This Sunday we’ll be studying Matthew 8:1-17.  In our passage, Jesus heals a leper, the centurion’s servant, Peter’s mother-in-law and a number of sick/demon-possessed people.  And, in all of this Matthew…
This week we’ll be studying Jesus’ Great Commission to His disciples, found in Matthew 28:16-20. It’s a short passage, but there’s a lot there!  I encourage you to read it ahead of time and…
This Sunday is Palm Sunday, and it holds more significance than many people ever imagined!  It’s not about some random trip to Jerusalem that Jesus and His disciples decided to take on the…