EPHESIANS: Grace Navigating Our Past, Present, and Future
This Sunday is week # 2 in our mini-series teaching on the book of Ephesians; and, we’ll be in chapter 2 (verses 1-22). Last week we discovered our new 9-fold identity in Christ as Christians: faithful (by virtue of believing in Jesus), spiritually blessed, chosen (called out), holy (set-apart, sanctified for special use), blameless (without blemish or defect), adopted sons (with all of the rights & privileges), redeemed (bought back), forgiven (released of our debt), and sealed (protected by the Holy Spirit)!
So, here’s the $100,000 question… Why does the Apostle Paul, after going to such great lengths to establish our new-found identity in Christ, open chapter 2 of Ephesians (verses 1-3) by reminding his readers of their past: “And you were dead in your trespasses and sins..”