Imitating Dad – Ephesians 5:1-33
This Sunday we’ll be in Ephesians 5 for our Unchanging Identity teaching series. I encourage you to read it ahead of time and to take notes on what God teaches you through His Word.The Apostle Paul outlined our new identity in Christ in chapter 1. In chapter 2, he reminded us of who we were before knowing Christ and the futility of our efforts to please God and to navigate life successfully. In chapter 3, he affirmed the power that is available to each one of us through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. In chapter 4, Paul detailed the essence of our calling. And, now in chapter 5, as a result of all this (and particularly as a result of knowing our true calling) Paul addresses four ways in which we are to walk as Christians. See if you can find them! The first three are evident from our text. The last one is more deductive in nature!