Never the Same: ADAM & EVE
Bible Text: Genesis 1, Genesis 2, Revelation 22 | Speaker: Dino Mensa | Series: Never the Same | This week we will take a look at what is probably very familiar to most of you: the story of Adam and Eve. You may not think that there is much more to pull from this account, at least, that is what I thought when Bob requested that I teach on Adam and Eve for this particular Sunday. Yet there was more there for me to discover and relate to as I took a closer look in prep for this Sunday. Instead of worrying about what I can possibly say that would interest you about Adam and Eve, I am excited to share what I believe the Holy Spirit has laid on my heart to share with you.
I want to share with you how this creation account is like and yet so unlike other creation accounts, look a little deeper at the origins of sin in the human race (wow, Adam and Eve really get a bad rap, don’t they?), and talk about God’s faithfulness to Adam and Eve. Finally I want to wrap up with some reflections on the revelation of the new creation at the other end of the Bible. Do we spend enough time looking forward to that?