Never the Same: JOB
Bible Text: Job | Speaker: Pastor Bob DuPar | Series: Never the Same | I’m excited about our new teaching series called, “Never the Same!” Last week, we studied the life of Noah, and this week we’ll be looking at Job and all that he learned from his experiences.
If you’d like to study the main passages that we’ll be covering, you can read ahead in Job 1:1-22; 2:1-13; 38:1-4; 40:1-8 & 42:1-6. We’ll be addressing three topics from the life and experiences of Job:
1. What God Allows (which frankly can be alarming & disturbing)
2. What We Learn
3. What We Are Becoming (the goal & result of all that God allows)
This Sunday is Mother’s Day, and I’m sure that every mom will be able to relate to something in the message, and find practical takeaways and insights!