“Nic At Night!” – Gospel of John, the Big Picture
This week our study will be in John 3:1-21 and we’ll be looking at the story of Nicodemus – a Pharisee (and member of the Sanhedrin) who came to Jesus at night. You’ve probably heard more than one sermon about him that was titled, “Nic At Night!”
As you read the text ahead of time, before Sunday, let me encourage you to look at a few things. First, notice that Nic doesn’t come with a massive list of questions for Jesus (like other religious leaders of the day). In fact, he doesn’t even begin their interaction with a question, but rather a statement, “Rabbi, we know that You have come from God as a teacher; for no one can do these signs (there’s our buzzword!) that You do unless God is with Him.” (vs. 2) So, even though we don’t know all of the questions and doubts and concerns that led Nic to seek out Jesus, we can trust that Jesus in His divinity and omniscience (all-knowing power) addresses each one; and, this means that we can pretty much determine what the questions and concerns were through Jesus’ answers.
Finally, I’d like for you to read all 21 verses of chapter 3 as a conversation, because that’s what it was/is. So, often we read the passage (especially verses 11 and following as a theological treatise); but, it’s personal – and it’s all directed to Nicodemus.