“The New Covenant”
This Sunday Pastor Charles Clemons will be teaching about God’s “New Covenant with Mankind”. Imagine a covenant so profound that it moves beyond rules written on stone tablets and instead writes God’s law directly on your heart. This is the promise of the New Covenant—a divine invitation to shift from merely following the letter of the law to living in the fullness of a relationship with God. Through the New Covenant, God calls us into a transformative faith, where our actions flow not from obligation but from the Holy Spirit’s empowerment. It’s a covenant not based on our efforts but on God’s grace, freely given through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Join us as we explore how this sacred promise changes everything—replacing guilt with grace, ritual with relationship, and legalism with love. Discover the freedom, power, and purpose that come with living under the New Covenant, and learn how this divine transformation is available to all who believe. Are you ready to embrace a faith that doesn’t just follow rules but transforms lives?