
March 20, 2022
This Sunday we’ll be exploring Matthew 26:1-35.  There’s a lot going on in this passage - Jesus gets anointed, betrayed and denied.  On the surface, things look pretty depressing.  But, the sovereignty and eternal plan…


March 13, 2022
This Sunday we’ll be studying Matthew 25:31-46, the infamous Sheep & Goats passage.  Except, we’ll be calling the message “3M” because there are three crucial themes in our text that all begin with the letter “M.”  I…


March 6, 2022
This Sunday we actually have a smaller portion of Scripture for our sermon!  We’ll be studying Matthew 25:1-30 as we talk about R. O. I. - “return on investment!”  Jesus…

Christ’s Return

February 27, 2022
This Sunday I’ll be preaching on Matthew 24:1-51, without a doubt one of the hardest and most important sermons that I’ve ever preached in my time at CBC!  I appreciate your…
This Sunday, we’ll be looking at Matthew 23:1-39 as we talk about The Father’s Heart. Some have called this the Red Letter Chapter in the Bible because of all the words of Jesus that are…

The Big Picture

February 13, 2022
This week we’ll be discussing Matthew 22:1-46.  In this passage, the religious leaders continue to attempt to trap Jesus in His words; yet, He repeatedly draws them back to the Big Picture!…

6 Key Questions

February 6, 2022
This Sunday we’ll be studying Matthew 21:1-46 as we explore 6 key questions that frame Jesus’ discussion with the crowd, the disciples and the religious leaders of His day. These questions involve much more…

Divine Paradoxes

January 30, 2022
This Sunday, our passage is Matthew 20:1-34 and we'll be talking about three divine paradoxes. The dictionary defines a paradox as "a seemingly absurd or contradictory statement that, when investigated,…
This Sunday we’ll be studying Matthew 18:1-35, as we talk about Removing Obstacles.  I see four different types of obstacles in our passage that we need to rid ourselves of.  Can you…
This Sunday we’ll be studying Matthew 18:1-35, as we talk about Removing Obstacles.  I see four different types of obstacles in our passage that we need to rid ourselves of.  Can you…