This Sunday Pastor Charles Clemons will teach on Psalm 27, a Psalm of unwavering faith and divine assurance. This beautiful passage speaks to the profound strength and hope that come…
This Sunday we look forward to hearing from our missionary partner serving in Asia, Gordon G. He will share details about his ministry, Katartismos International. Come and hear how God…
This Sunday Pastor Charles Clemons will be teaching from Psalm 40. Discover the profound message of hope, deliverance, and praise that this beautiful Psalm offers. We look forward to you…
This Sunday as we welcome guest speaker, Pastor Trevor Dasnoit who will be teaching from Acts 2. In this passage, we witness the birth of the early Christian Church and…
This Sunday Pastor Charles teaches from one of the most beloved passages in Scripture, Psalm 23. Psalm 23 emphasizes the goodness and mercy of our Lord expressed by the personal…
Join us this Sunday for a special message by Ren Lawrence on The Greatest Invitation Ever! We look forward to seeing everyone promptly at 10am for worship, the message and…
This Sunday our elder Rick Mancia will be teaching from selected passages in the Book of Lamentations. The message will help us understand the purpose and power of turning to…
This Sunday Pastor Charles Clemons will be in the third of a three-part series on Judges called “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”. This week we will be looking…
This Sunday Pastor Charles Clemons will begin a three-part series on Judges called "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly". This week we will be looking at Judges 2;1-23; 3:5-31;…
Easter Sunday "Go Into All the World and Preach the Gospel!" - Mark 16:15