Most of us love to receive invitations: "Please join us... The honor of your presence is requested... Please reserve the following date... We'd like for you to be our guests…
This Sunday we'll be finishing our teaching series on the Holy Spirit as we talk about the Spirit's role in leading and teaching us. In John 16:13 Jesus says, “But…
This Sunday we'll be talking about the indispensable role that the Holy Spirit plays in empowering us to know and fulfill God's will. We'll be looking at a number of…
This Sunday's sermon will be based on Romans 8:18-28. As followers of Christ we live between the tension of present struggles and suffering and the expectation and anticipation of future…
This Sunday we'll be talking about the blessed assurance that the Holy Spirit brings to believers in Jesus Christ. Here's a preview of our text, "For you have not received…
This Sunday we'll be talking about God's initiating love as we continue our study of the Holy Spirit. Our text will be John 6:41-51; and, I encourage you to read…
This Sunday we celebrate Father's Day as we recognize and honor our dads. And, despite whether or not you had a great father growing up, one that you admired and…
As we continue in our new teaching series on the Holy Spirit, this Sunday we'll be talking about the Spirit's role in the world. Our text will be John 16:5-15…
This week we'll be starting a new teaching series called Frequency that will begin an extended study over the summer on the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Some,…
This Sunday we finish-up our teaching series in James as we cover 5:13-20. And, the focus of our passage is upon prayer and healing. In fact, James mentions the word…