This Sunday, we’ll be wrapping-up our Better Together Teaching series by circling-back and reviewing (reinforcing) the four catalysts of spiritual transformation: Joy, Hesed/Agape Community, Group Identity & Healthy Correction. Our…
This Sunday we’ll be talking about Sharing the Good News! And, our text will be Romans 1:1-17. You’ll notice as you read this passage that the words Good News are used SEVEN times in just seventeen verses! And,…
As we celebrate Easter, I’ll be sharing from 1 Peter 1:3-9, and talking about what it means to have a Living Hope! This hope isn’t just future-oriented, it’s something that we can enjoy…
This week we’ll be concluding our KNOWN teaching series as we look at 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. You probably recognize this passage as the “Love Chapter!” But, verse 12 is often…
This week we’ll be talking about Prayerfrom Luke 18:1-17. I encourage you to read the passage ahead of Sunday. We’ll be discussing the attitudes and preconceptions that we bring to…
This Sunday is our annual Freedom Sunday in which we raise awareness for global justice and advocacy relating to human trafficking and unjust labor practices. This year we have chosen…
This week, we will be studying Luke 14:25-35 where Jesus offers some challenging words on what it means to be a disciple. We will be looking at the fact that…
This week our teaching passage will be Luke 13:22-35, and we’ll be talking about Embracing Opportunities. Our text reveals Jesus’ response to a question that was posed to Him, “Are…
This week we’ll be talking about Changing How We Think. Our passage will be Luke 13:1-9, and I encourage you to read it ahead of time. In our passage, Jesus…
This week our passage is Luke 12:13-34 and we’ll be talking about riches, worry & priorities! There will be something for everyone! I encourage you to read the text ahead…