This Sunday we’ll be talking about Sharing the Good News!  And, our text will be Romans 1:1-17.  You’ll notice as you read this passage that the words Good News are used SEVEN times in just seventeen verses!  And,…
As we celebrate Easter, I’ll be sharing from 1 Peter 1:3-9, and talking about what it means to have a Living Hope! This hope isn’t just future-oriented, it’s something that we can enjoy…


March 15, 2020
This week we’ll be concluding our KNOWN teaching series as we look at 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. You probably recognize this passage as the “Love Chapter!” But, verse 12 is often…
This week we’ll be talking about Prayerfrom Luke 18:1-17.  I encourage you to read the passage ahead of Sunday.  We’ll be discussing the attitudes and preconceptions that we bring to…