This Sunday we’ll be talking about Sharing the Good News!  And, our text will be Romans 1:1-17.  You’ll notice as you read this passage that the words Good News are used SEVEN times in just seventeen verses!  And,…


March 8, 2020
This week our teaching text will be Jeremiah 1:1-19, and we’ll be talking about what it means that God has PREPARED us for His service! Have you ever thought of…


February 23, 2020
This Sunday we’ll be looking at 1 John 2:1-14 as well as the book of Hosea as we discuss what it means to be FORGIVEN.  As we continue our teaching…
This week we’ll be talking about Prayerfrom Luke 18:1-17.  I encourage you to read the passage ahead of Sunday.  We’ll be discussing the attitudes and preconceptions that we bring to…
This week we’ll be talking about how Jesus is our promised King! Our King has come! Our passage will be Micah 5:1-5; and,  I encourage you to read it ahead…