This Sunday we’ll be looking at the story of Zacchaeus found in Luke 19:1-10.  It’s just 10 short verses!  I encourage you to read it ahead of time, and to see what stands…
This week we’ll be studying the life of Stephen (Acts 6 & 7) as we continue our teaching series Never the Same!  What we learn from his life is not necessarily reflected in this singular…
This Sunday we’ll be studying the life of Moses as we continue in our Never the Same teaching series. Our text will be Exodus 2:11-3:22. The God of Scripture is distinct and unique from…
This Sunday we’ll be talking about Sharing the Good News!  And, our text will be Romans 1:1-17.  You’ll notice as you read this passage that the words Good News are used SEVEN times in just seventeen verses!  And,…
As we celebrate Easter, I’ll be sharing from 1 Peter 1:3-9, and talking about what it means to have a Living Hope! This hope isn’t just future-oriented, it’s something that we can enjoy…
This Sunday, we’ll be addressing Christ’s Return. It’s Palm Sunday, and I don’t ever recall hearing a sermon that unpacks Palm Sunday in terms of today vs. 2000 years ago! So, that’s…