This Sunday, we begin our new teaching series called One Another! In this series, we’ll be exploring the “one another” commands in the New Testament. There are about nineteen of them in all (with…
This week we’re ending our series Never the Same! And, we’re ending with the most unlikely of characters - Judas! His story is found mostly in Matthew 26 - 27:10,…
Bible Text: Daniel 6:1-28 | Speaker: Pastor Bob DuPar | Series: Never the Same | This Sunday we’ll be studying Daniel 6:1-28. It’s the famous “Daniel & the Lions’ Den” passage.…
Bible Text: Luke 16:1-18 | Speaker: Pastor Bob DuPar | Series: The Gospel According to Luke | Today, we'll be examining what it means to be wise stewards of the…
Bible Text: Luke 11:29-54 | Speaker: Pastor Bob DuPar | Series: The Gospel According to Luke | This week we’ll be talking about Confronting Hypocrisy from Luke 11:29-54. Part of…
Bible Text: Luke 10:25-37 | Speaker: Pastor Bob DuPar | Series: The Gospel According to Luke | This week our teaching will be based on the beloved story of The…
Bible Text: Luke 10:17-24 | Speaker: Pastor Bob DuPar | Series: The Gospel According to Luke | This Sunday our teaching passage will be Luke 10:17-24 and our topic will…
Bible Text: Luke 9:37-56 | Speaker: Pastor Bob DuPar | Series: The Gospel According to Luke | This week our passage will be Luke 9:37-56 and we’ll be discussing the…
Bible Text: Luke 9:1-17 | Speaker: Pastor Bob DuPar | Series: The Gospel According to Luke | This week we’ll be looking at Luke 9:1-17 as we talk about why God allows interruptions in…
Bible Text: Luke 6:39-49 | Speaker: Pastor Bob DuPar | Series: The Gospel According to Luke | This Sunday our topic is, “Watch Who You Follow!” Our teaching passage will…