Serve with Purpose at Community Bible Church!
Welcome to our Volunteer Opportunities Page at Community Bible Church. At CBC, we believe in the transformative power of service, and that we are called to give of our time, gifts and talents to the Lord. Please take a look at the opportunities below and pray about where God would lead you to serve.
Whether you are drawn to outreach, worship, hospitality, or kids and youth ministry, we have many opportunities where your skills, gifts, and joy from the Lord could be a blessing.
Hospitality Ministry
Teens – Adults
Do you have a passion for baking? Decorating? Event Planning? If so we would love you to join our Hospitality Ministry. Men and women are welcome to sign up and volunteers are on an as-needed basis.
To volunteer please click here. For questions reach out to Gae Thomas by filling out the volunteer form.
Women’s Ministry
Teens – Adults
Want to help foster the connection between women at CBC? Have ideas for events or fostering community? We’d love to have you! To see all the volunteer areas please click below.
To volunteer please click here. For questions reach out to Jill Gaertner, books@cbcventura.org
18-29 years
For young adults ages 18-29 Emerge provides deep discussions, fellowship and community. If you would like to mentor or serve alongside this demographic please reach out to Jim Licata.
To volunteer please click here. For questions reach out to our Youth Pastor, Jim Licata: jim@cbcventura.org
CBC Kids
Infant – 5th Grade
CBC Kids seeks to guide children towards a deep relationship with Christ through relationship & story. Building relationships with the kids and sharing the story of the gospel, our own journeys, and listening to their hearts, will pave the way for genuine roots of faith to grow.
CBC Kids needs volunteers in the following areas: Infants, Pre-K, Elementary, and Check-In.
To volunteer please click here. For questions reach out to our Children’s Director, Kelsey Phelps: kelsey@cbcventura.org
4th – 5th Grade
Stoked is for students who are ready for the next step towards youth group. Students build relationships with God and each other through games, Bible study, and fellowship.
Stoked needs volunteers who are passionate about pouring into the spiritual and daily life of our students, and who are willing to show up consistently and have a great time!
To volunteer please click here. For questions reach out to our Youth Pastor, Jim Licata: jim@cbcventura.org
Ablaze – CBC Youth
6th- 12th Grade
At ABLAZE, our Vision is “Making Discipleship a Lifestyle for a Lifetime.” We believe in nurturing the next generation to grow in their faith and live out their calling. We are seeking passionate volunteers who are excited about serving and building meaningful relationships with our youth. Join us in making a lasting impact on their lives and helping them become lifelong disciples of Christ.
CBC Youth needs volunteers who are passionate about pouring into the spiritual and daily life of our students, and who are willing to show up consistently on Wednesdays and in our student’s lives.
To volunteer please click here. For questions reach out to our Youth Pastor, Jim Licata: jim@cbcventura.org
Tech Team & Worship Team
Tech and Worship teams work together, but have separate roles. If you are interested in being in tech, worship band OR helping with sound, slides and lights, please click the link below to let us know!
Worship team practices on Thursday evenings at 6pm, and Tech Team arrives an hour before church service to run sound checks. If you’re interested we provide training for tech team!
To volunteer please click here. For questions reach out to our Worship Leader Jeff Potts: Jeff@cbcventura.org and our Tech Team Coordinator Ron Cole: ron@cbcventura.org
Food Pantry
CBC holds a food pantry the 2nd & 4th Saturdays of the month. We need many volunteers from picking up food on Fridays, to setting up, packing, and distributing food on Saturdays. We also need volunteers to pray with those who come through the food line. This is an important ministry for our community and we’d love to have you join us!
To volunteer please click here. For questions reach out to Lisa Shaw, or our office team: books@cbcventura.org
Welcome Team
Sunday Morning Welcome Team greets all who enter the doors of CBC. Helping them to feel welcome, offer a bulletin and assist anyone who is new. This team also provides donuts for the coffee table. We would love to have you on the Welcome Team!
To volunteer please click here. For questions reach out to Debbie Tissler by filling out the volunteer form.