Never the Same: STEPHEN
July 12, 2020

Never the Same: STEPHEN

Passage: Acts 6 & 7
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Bible Text: Acts 6 & 7 | Speaker: Pastor Bob DuPar | Series: Never the Same | This week we’ll be studying the life of Stephen (Acts 6 & 7) as we continue our teaching series Never the Same!  What we learn from his life is not necessarily reflected in this singular encounter with God, but rather from a lifetime of experiences that are evidenced by his character.  Stephen was clearly surrendered to the Lord & to the advancement of God’s Kingdom.

As you read our passage this week in preparation for Sunday, I encourage you to view Stephen – not as a super-Christian whose level you might someday attain to, but rather as someone who was simply fully surrendered to God.  This might not seem like a big perspective switch.  But, the difference is in the power source.  Did the amazing experiences happen because of Stephen’s personal strength & spirituality or because he was caught in the tidal wave of God’s magnificent work?

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